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Saturday, September 24, 2016

Top 10 companies to make $15 per Website Test

One of the best ways to make huge returns this days is by becoming an internet entrepreneur. Making money online have come to stay and the potentials are still very much untapped in this part of the world. So today i will be discussing with you guys "How to make Money Online by testing websites".

Website testing is very easy, all you would be require to do is to check whether the website is easy to navigate etc. Every website should have a proper navigation for its users to navigate through the contents. There are other things as well that you as, a tester, have to test like if there is any issue in the look and feel of a website.

What Website Tester does?

Testing software is proper job that many software companies do have. It is a very important job, as the tester has to find the flaws of the software. So as a website tester you have to find flaws in the design and development of the website and give your opinions. Some companies will ask you to install a software before testing a website as it may record your activity. You will be asked to tell about the easy of using the site, its design and the quality of the website.

What do you require?

The requirements to make money online by testing a website are high speed internet and fast PC. You should speak and write good English as some of the companies may ask you to tell about the site verbally. Some companies may ask you to write a little report after the test so you have to have good writing skills to tell about the website.

You can earn money by testing a website online on many websites. Here are some websites that will pay you around $5-$12 for each test and now that the $1 exchange for N414 you know what that means.

Check out the list of top 10 website that you can start with:
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Source: Duketundesblog

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